Pinus patula - Mexican Weeping Cypress / Spreading Leaved Pine - 20 seeds
Another great Bonsai choice!This is a tree growing up to 40m tall in its native habitat of Central America, but often shorter in cultivation, having a single or straight sylindrical trunk, sometimes forked with a conical or domed crown, the bark is thin and scaly, red brown in colour and becoming thick, dark grey to brown, rough and scaly with age with large elongated plates and deep longitudinal fissures.The needles (leaves) are grey green to yellow green and are borne in clusters of 3 - 5, 15 - 25cm long and drooping with finely toothed margins.The pollen cones occur near the ends of new shoots, are ovoid - oblong, 15 - 20mm long x 5 - 6mm wide, are pink to yellow turning yellow brown growing in groups of 2 to many, rarely solitary.This is widely used for erosion control, dune stabilisation, timber tree, ornamental, forestry, shade tree or Bonsai specimen.Best grown in full sun in well drained but moist soil.This listing is for 20 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.