Nyssa sylvatica - American Tupelo - 12 Seeds
Nyssa sylvatica, found naturally growing in eastern and central North America and variously known as the American Black Tupelo, Black Gum or Sour Gum is a deciduous tree growing from 10 to 15m in height and about half that in width. It is a beautiful shade tree with a pyramidal habit and an outstanding Autumn colour change.Leaves are alternate, simple and elliptic to slightly obovate in shape with margins that are most commonly entire. The glabrous leaf surface varies from slightly lustrous to highly glossy and leaf size is commonly about 10 to 12cm in length and 4cm in width. The leaf bases are generally rounded but can be cuneate to wedge shaped. New leaves are slightly reddish purple, turning to a good dark green with maturity and turning very showy in the Autumn with a dramatic display of florescent yellow to orange to red or purple colours.The greenish white flowers are small and rather insignificant and do not merit much attention. They are followed in late Summer dark by blue to bluish black oval fruits that are bird attracting.Its Autumn colour alone makes it a highly desired landscape plant, and this is greatly enhanced by its neat shape and clean shiny foliage which remains good looking all season long. The formality of its habit lends it to use as a specimen tree although it can be effectively grown in groves as well. The medium size of the canopy make it quite useful for smaller properties.An ultimately frost hardy plant in Australian conditions, it prefers deep moist, well drained, acidic soils in full sun. It takes dry conditions well once established but is not drought resistant and they grow best in Melbourne, Hobart, the mountains, and cool, elevated sites in Adelaide, Perth and Sydney.Propagation is from seed which should be stratified by placing in plastic bags with moist sand and refrigerated for a minimum of 30 days. Following stratification, seeds germinate under warm and moist conditions in about 3 weeks.12 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.