Melaleuca leucadendra Red Form - Red Weeping Paperbark - 100 seeds
A great Australian native Paperbark that makes a lovely Bonsai specimen!Myrtaceae species - No shipment to WA or TASThis large evergreen Australian Native tree that grows 10+m tall (up to 20m in its native habitat) has a widespread distribution in northern Australia, and grows as a large tree with a straight cylindrical bole, 100 - 150cm in diameter, the trunk has thick white to pale tan paperbark that peels of, with upright branches with a dense crown on light green leaves 11.5 - 17cm x 0.8 - 2.1cm wide, the smaller branches have an attractive pendulous/weeping habit.Dark red bottlebrush spikes occur throughout most of the year with the main flush from late Spring to Summer, the inflorescences usually occur in threes and are 25 - 30mm wide and have a strong sweet perfume and are nectar rich attracting bees, birds, butterflies, possums, flying foxes and other insects.It is found naturally growing along banks and rivers, swamps and other moist forest environments where fresh water is available throughout the year.Can be used for swamp reclamation, stream bank erosion control, street tree, a great choice for larger open spaces, in parks and large gardens or as a shade tree.The Indigenous Australians used the bark as a food wrapping, waterproofing buildings, wrapping the deceased, building canoes and leaves were used to treat respiratory infections.Tolerant of poor soil, saline soil and waterlogging but prefers free draining soil, to be grown in a full sun position and is cyclone resistant.This listing is for 100 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.