Melaleuca fulgens - Scarlet Honey Myrtle - 100 seeds
Myrtaceae - no shipment to Western Australia or Tasmania
Melaleuca fulgens is one of the most widely cultivated members of the Melaleucas and is one of the most beautiful. This is a small to medium sized shrub it varies in height from 45cm to 2m and the same in breadth, but normally to about 1.5m.
Foliage is a greyish green with narrowly elliptical leaves to about 2.5cm, the flowers, borne on short shoots in the Spring and early Summer, are cylindrical spikes similar to the bottlebrush and up to 6cm or more in length and are usually a brilliant red but can range into apricot and pink and make a very striking display. It is very popular with nectar feeding birds as well as bees and insects.
Although native to a dry Summer climate, this species has been grown successfully in the wetter Summer conditions of Australia's east coast in well drained, sunny positions, this species hybridises easily, particularly with Melaleuca radula, one of the purple flowering Melaleuca, and is the parent of a number of very attractive hybrids.
This species grows naturally in loam, sand or gravel over granite but can take moist well drained soils, has some frost tolerance but should be protected from heavy frost particularly until established.
This species is quick growing and is easily propagated is easy from seed.
Approximately 100 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.