Eucalyptus synandra - Jingymia Mallee - 30 seeds
Myrtaceae - No shipment to Western Australia or TasmaniaEucalyptus synandra, commonly known as the Jingymia Mallee is a tall shrub or small tree of multi-stemmed Mallee habit that grows to approximately 5 - 6 metres in height and occurs in several small populations on sandy and gravelly soils of inland southern Western Australia. Eucalyptus synandra is uncommon in the wild and in cultivation it is listed as vulnerable in its native habitat.The leaves are linear to narrowly elliptic in shape about 20cm in length, the smooth bark is white, reddish and pale grey and is shed annually, branchlets are notably slender often powdery bluish/glaucous.Flowers are very conspicuous and quite an interesting shape, can be a creamy white colour, white aging to deep pink or red with the stamens being united into a tube for the lower portion of the flowers and flowering occurs in late Spring and Summer.Note that we don't guarantee flower colour.This is a superb feature plant and it is probably the most precocious of all the Eucalypts, sometimes flowering when only 15cm tall.To date this species has not been cultivated to any great extent, however, this is certain to change as the plant becomes better known. It is a spectacular small tree for drier climates, ideally suited to average sized gardens.Its suitability for more humid areas is not known but may be expected to present a challenge (which would certainly be worth the effort). The plant appears to be reasonably cold tolerant and has flowered at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra.
Soils with reasonable drainage are preferred.30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.