Eucalyptus sideroxylon rosea - Pink Mugga - 30 seeds
Myrtaceae - no shipment to Western Australia or Tasmania
The Red Ironbark or Pink Mugga is a large tree growing to between 20 to 25m in height in the wild, although frequently less in cultivation.
When young the trunk of this tree is a bright rust colour becoming thick and dark, frequently black, with maturity.
It features blue grey foliage and dense clusters of pink to red flowers appearing over a lengthy period from Winter to Spring and early Summer. The buds and caps make an attractive feature on their own and when blooming this tree is a great favourite with nectar seeking birds.
In its native habitat (Victoria, NSW, Qld) it is found in poor and shallow soils ranging from sand to gravel to clay, but it is equally at home in good quality loam and is a versatile tree that is frost resistant around -7°C.It is drought tolerant, much of its natural range being very dry - 250mm to 500mm and in good conditions with adequate water it develops into a high dense-crowned shade tree although in drier conditions this feature is not as well developed.
This is an attractive tree that makes a highly effective feature.
It is suited to a wide range of sites, including alkaline soils and is fast growing - up to 1.2m per year on suitable sites and is mature at 2 years of age.
30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.