Eucalyptus salmonophloia - Salmon Gum / Wurak - 20 seeds
Myrtaceae - No shipment to WA or TAS
This stunning slow growing tree is endemic to WA, is non lignotuberous but epicormic buds are produced along the stem, grows to a height of 10 - 25m (sometimes 30m) tall with a spread of 8 - 15m wide, having an upright habit, rounded open canopy with dense dark green glossy foliage and a wide spreading root system.
It has a natural distribution (although now depleted in population) from the eastern Darling Range to Cundeelee, east of Kalgoorlie in WA, it is often surprisingly tall in the low rainfall eastern region.
It grows naturally on red clay loam, clay, red sand often with gravel on plains, low hills and coastal footslopes.
The bark is one of the most stunning of all Eucalypts, it is smooth and changes colour seasonally being pale grey and cream in Winter and Spring and Salmon orange, pink and cream in Summer and Autumn, shedding in flakes.
Flowers are creamy white and occur from late Winter to Summer.
It makes a beautiful feature tree for large areas in parks and gardens and is also useful for shade and shelter.
It is drought tolerant and moderately frost tolerant, attracts nectar eating birds and insects for food an habitat.
This seed is becoming harder and harder to get, so when it is in stock is the time to get it!
20 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.