Eucalyptus risdonii - Risdon Peppermint - 50 seeds
Myrtaceae - no shipment to Western Australia or Tasmania
Eucalyptus risdonii, the Risdon Peppermint is a rare Eucalypt restricted in its native range to a small area in southern Tasmania between the Tasmanian towns of Risdon and Cambridge. It is a small growing tree to 8m tall with silver grey heart shaped foliage and a very handsome trunk, smooth on all parts with patches of white, pale grey and rusty red.It normally has an upright oval habit, and an excellent contrast between the trunk and foliage, although it can be formed as a Mallee. It is typified by having only silver grey juvenile leaves with a purplish hue, these leaves are stem clasping without a petiole (stem) and as the leaves senesce, they remain on the tree, spinning in the wind as they detach. After a few months, in strong winds, these dead leaves will blow off, cleaning up the tree.
Cut foliage is a popular floristry item, flowers are white, attractive but not significant.With its small size, excellent foliage, showy bark, drought and cold tolerance Eucalyptus risdonii makes an excellent ornamental species.50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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