Eucalyptus gregsoniana - Dwarf Snowgum / Wolgan Snowgum - 50 Seeds
A small cold tolerant Eucalypt!
Myrtaceae - no shipment to Western Australia or Tasmania
Eucalyptus gregsoniana is commonly known as the Wolgan or Mallee Snow Gum and is distinguishable by its Mallee habit is native to the Blue Mountains, the Budawang Range and the Braidwood area, New South Wales, enjoying high altitudes growing in Alpine Mallee and shrubland environments. It can be seen growing along ridges, hills and flat countryside in well-drained soils and is frost and wind hardy and prefers dry, sunny situations.
Eucalyptus gregsoniana can be small single stemmed tree or a spreading Mallee tree of 4 - 6m - the Mallee attribute makes it a unique member of the snow gums. It has a lignotuber at its base which helps preserve the plant after a fire, overgrazing or cutting has occurred. Dormant vegetative buds below the surface of the lignotuber develop to create new sprouts.
Like other snow gums it presents whitish-grey to olive-green smooth bark which flakes from the tree in slender ribbon strips.
The leaves of E. gregsoniana are lanceolate, glossy grey-green with prominent parallel venation and hang attractively from red branchlets in a weeping fashion.
Beautiful creamy white flowers can be seen in abundance from Spring to Summer.
This is a great attractive and ornamental plant with dark green leaves that contrast so well with its red stems and weeping habit which can be grown as a Mallee multi trunked shrub or trained to grow with a single trunk in the average home garden.
Low maintenance once established and is drought resistant and grows well in very cold environments with high levels of frost.
Eucalyptus gregsoniana also attracts nectar feeding birds, encouraged by its attractive flowers. Its flowers also attract bees and butterflies and offers habitat protection for native fauna.
This listing is for 50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.