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Eucalyptus dives - Broad Leaved Peppermint / Blue Peppermint - 100 Seeds

Eucalyptus dives - Broad Leaved Peppermint / Blue Peppermint - 100 Seeds


A major oil producing species!

Myrtaceae species - No shipment to WA or TAS


Eucalyptus dives, commonly known as the Blue or Broad Leaved Peppermint, occurs naturally in the Great Dividing Range from west of Sydney south as far as Melbourne.  It is a medium sized evergreen tree to 20m with a spreading crown. 
Bark is grey-brown and fibrous on all branches and features greyish-green leaves with highly aromatic foliage rich in oil and has been grown in plantations both in Australia and overseas for the distillation of synthetic menthol oil.  The leaves are also edible with a strong Peppermint flavour and aroma. 
This Eucalypt was believed to be used by indigenous people for treating, coughs, colds, flu, muscular and joint pain. 
It is frost and drought resistant and will grow happily on a range of soils and is commonly found on poor shallow soils.  It makes an excellent windbreak, is a good shelter tree and is grown widely for its high quality oil. 
This listing 100 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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