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Eucalyptus angulosa - Ridge Fruit Mallee - 50 seeds

Eucalyptus angulosa - Ridge Fruit Mallee - 50 seeds

A gorgeous Eucalyptus species with fluffy creamy white flowers and interesting seed pods!
Myrtaceae species - No shipment to WA or TAS
This Eucalypt grows as a mallee to 5m tall with a lignotuber, the bark is smooth throughout with some grey loose and imperfectly decorticated strips of rough bark on the lower stems and smooth pale grey, grey brown, white or pinkish copper ribbons of bark in the upper branches.
Juvenile folaige is green, petiolate to ovate or elliptical, 4.5 - 9cm long x 2.5 - 4cm wide and adult foliage is glossy green, lanceolate to ovate elliptic.
Inflorescences are axillary and unbranched, 3 - 7 buds per umbel with mature bids being oblong to pyriform with coarse longitudinal ribs, 1.5 - 2.7cm long x 0.6 - 1.2cm wide, the flowers are creamy white to pale yellow, rarely pink and open up in Autumn to Summer.
Native to the South Australian Coast from West Cape Howe to the east of Esperence in WA and also the southern Eyre Peninsula and the southern Fleurieu Peninsula in SA but not Kangaroo Island.
Best grown in full sun in well drained soils.
This listing is for 50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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