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Dombeya wallichii - Tropical Hydrangea / Pinkball Flower - 15 seeds

Dombeya wallichii - Tropical Hydrangea / Pinkball Flower - 15 seeds

This native to Madagascar grows as a small tree or shrub to 4.5m tall with coarsely textured, heart shaped leaves and serrated margins and pointed tips 10 - 20cm long x 5 - 10cm wide.
In Spring, dense heads of little pink flowers 3.5cm across occur in pendulous balls on 30cm stems and have a perfume similar to cake batter or caramel corn!  The flowers are long lasting and hang on for more than 1 month so makes a great flowering specimen.
Flowers attract bees, butterflies and other insects.
Best in full sun in moist well drained soil.
Prune after flowering to keep neat and maintain a bushy habit.
15 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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