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Dicksonia antarctica - Soft Tree Fern - 500 spores

Dicksonia antarctica - Soft Tree Fern - 500 spores


This is a terrestrial Fern with an erect rhizome forming a trunk that is very hairy at the base at of the stipe with large dark green fronds that are roughly textured with a spreading canopy - a distinctive feature is the small sori that is only 1mm in diameter.


Endemic to Australia, Dicksonia antarctica distribution is widespread, growing from SE QLD thoughout SE QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS and prefers to grow in moist areas in wet sclerophyll forests, along creek beds, in gullies and occasionally at high altitudes in cloud forests.


Best grown in filtered sunlight in loose weel drained soils with high organic matter and water but can withstand some drying out and can survive drier conditions.


Very easy to grow as long as it is kept moist and well mulched and feed with well rotted animal manures.


500 premium quality spores shipped on receipt of cleared funds.

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