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Delonix regia - Poinciana - 20 seeds

Delonix regia - Poinciana - 20 seeds


A breathtaking semi evergreen or deciduous tree when flowering and can grow up to a height of 12m! 

It has a wide spreading, dome shaped crown and broadly ovate, bipinnate, bright green leaves 30 - 50cm long, each pinnae divided into 10 - 25 pairs of elliptic to oblong leaflets. 

From Spring to Summer, it bears many scarlet flowers 10 - 12cm across and hardy outdoors to about 0°C.


Where not hardy, grow as a container plant which can be moved outside for the Summer - indoors, grow in soil based potting mix in full light and when in growth, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly and keep just moist in winter, pot on or top dress in Spring. 


Excellent for Bonsai! 


20 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds. 

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