Cyathea medullaris - Black Tree Fern / Mamaku - 500 spores
A NZ Tree Fern with interesting black stalked leaves!This very adaptable large Tree Fern to 20m in height has a black trunk that is covered with hexagonal stipe bases left from the fallen old fronds, black stalked leaves to 5m long that are arching upwards from the crown, 3 pinnate and leathery, the sporangia is arranged in small round capsules underneath the leaves.It is native to NZ, Fiji and Polynesia, occurring in NZ from the Three Kings south to Stewart and the main Chatham Islands, uncommon in the drier eastern portion of the South Island, commonly found growing in lowland forest throughout the North Island, primarily in the wetter coastal areas of the South Island.Best in full sun to part shade.This listing is for 500 premium quality spores shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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