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Cercidiphyllum japonicum - The Katsura Tree -  50 Seeds

Cercidiphyllum japonicum - The Katsura Tree - 50 Seeds

Cercidiphyllum japonicum, commonly known as The Katsura is a tree to some 45m in height found naturally in Japan, northern China and east Asia.  It is a cold hardy, deciduous tree that is renowned for its beauty, particularly in the Autumn with its vibrant colour change.  It makes an excellent ornamental, specimen tree or Bonsai subject.
This tree has male and female forms - male trees are usually single trunked in a slender conical shape and the female trees normally produce multiple trunks and branches are as wide as the height of the tree. 
The furrowed, dark brown bark shreds along the main branches and trunk of older trees giving a shaggy appearance, the leaves are basically heart shaped and from 3 to 8cm in length and 3 to 6cm in width.  They open a purplish-pink shade in the Spring, turn a dark blue green during the Summer and change to bright yellow, pink and orange-red in the Autumn. 
The leaves emit a scent of burnt sugar, which becomes stronger when a leaf is crushed.  The flowers are inconspicuous, small wind-pollinated catkins; the fruit is a cluster of 2 - 4 small pods, each pod 1cm long with numerous small, flattened and winged seeds.
The Katsura Tree is a highly ornamental tree, grown for its delicate leaves and bright Autumn colour.  Where conditions are suitable, it is fast-growing, but it is very sensitive to drought and needs deep, permanently moist soil and is very frost hardy.  Plant in full sun to light shade and is at its best in moist, but well drained, fertile, loamy soil. 
50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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