Carex appressa - Tall Sedge - 100 seeds
This fast growing, tussock forming sedge has slender lime green foliage with a slightly rough texturegto 1m tall x 1m wide, yellow green flowers followed by rusty brown seedheads on stems held above the foliage in Spring to Autumn and is found growing in all Australian states except for NT.Best grown in full sun to part shade in wet and dry sandy loams to clay loams in protected coastal situations, Ficinia can withstand cold and frost tolerant to -10°C, tolerates periodic inundations and also can withstand dry periods.Prune down by half every 2 - 3 years and feed with a slower release fertiliser afterwards to maintain healthy growth and vigour.Carex is a very versatile species, it looks great when mass planted, is hardy for constructed wetlands, used as an ornamental in rain gardens or dry river bed gardens, for poolside plantings or as a revegetation species of riparian zones or to be used as a soil stabiliser. It also provides a habitat for water birds and frogs and attracts butterflies and leaves used by the Indigenous Australians for weaving and basket making.100 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.