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Buckinghamia celcissima - Ivory Curl Tree - 30 seeds

Buckinghamia celcissima - Ivory Curl Tree - 30 seeds


The Ivory Curl Tree, Buckinghamia celsissima is a tall tree to 30m in height in its natural habitat in Queensland but is much smaller in cultivation, particularly in cooler climates where it rarely exceeds 7 - 8m.  It has attractive foliage - the juvenile leaves are often lobed while the new growth is an attractive bronze colour, mature leaves are elliptical and entire and about 150mm long.


 Flowers are white to cream and occur in large racemes up to 200mm long, in Summer in warmer climates and Autumn to Winter in cooler climates, the nectar-bearing flowers are well displayed at the ends of the branches and make a glorious showing.

The Ivory Curl Tree performs well in cultivation even in much cooler areas than its natural habitat. 

Good specimens can be found in Sydney and Melbourne and in a sheltered position in Canberra, although in cooler climates it is restricted to a highly attractive shrub size. 

Most soils and aspects are suitable although it performs best in a reasonably well drained, moist soil and a sunny position and makes an excellent street tree.

30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.

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