Brachyscome latisquamea - Climbing Daisy - 30 Seeds
This delightful and highly unusual climbing daisy comes from the same family as the very popular Swan River Daisy. A climbing Daisy growing to about 1.2m tall it features long narrow leaves to about 2.5cm with daisy like flower heads to about 5cm, borne on stalks beyond the foliage in mauve to violet, occasionally white.Flowers are borne from mid Winter to mid Spring and can be a delightful source of mid Winter colour.
The comment in Elliott and Jones' Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation is "Evidently not well-known in cultivation, this is the largest of the Western Australian species. It supports itself on the branches of other plants. A highly desirable Brachyscome requiring well drained soils, with dappled shade, partial or full sun."It is fast growing and can be used to great advantage on a trellis or wall and as an interesting feature climbing in and over other climbing plants or trees or in a pot or tub. It is easily propagated from seed or cuttings.30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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