Billardiera fusiformis alba - White Australian Climbing Bluebell - 30 seeds
This West Australian native is suited to most climates and soils and growing in either sun or shade Sollya can fill a variety of roles in the garden. It is frost hardy in Australia to at least -5°C and has been grown successfully in warmer areas of the UK.
Given the opportunity to climb on a fence or trellis, this dainty, naturally slender creeper will reach a height of about 3m and spreads out the tendrils you have an attractive groundcover that can cascade over logs or down slopes, left entirely to itself with nothing to climb it will twine around itself to make 1m high shrub or even a hedge.
It is at home indoors, on a balcony, porch or patio, in a hanging basket, pot or container or out in the open. It is covered from Spring to late Summer in a profusion of white, pendulous, bell shaped flowers occuring in cymes of 2 - 5, offset against glossy bright green leaves that are narrowly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 2 - 5cm long x 0.5 - 1.8cm wide and glabrous, developing into small, iridescent blue berries that are edible when bright blue.
Attracts birds, butterflies and other insects, tolerates shade and makes a cute garden specimen!
Easily propagated from seed or cuttings in Summer, although it can be planted at almost any time.Seeds are often spread by small mammals, and are often more viable after ingestion.
This listing is for 50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.