Barklya syringifolia - Golden Blossom Tree - 15 seeds
Barklya syringifolia, commonly known as the Crown of Gold or Golden Blossom Tree is a spectacular small tree with brilliant yellow flowers in Spring and Summer. Occurring naturally in the dry rainforest of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales it will normally bloom at 2m in its third or fourth year from seed.Golden Blossom Tree grows to 25m in its native habitat but rarely exceeds 8m tall in cultivation, it has a bushy attractive form with a dense shady canopy and glossy deep green heart-shaped leaves are anywhere between 5 to 10cm long.
The blooms, which occur over several months in the Spring to early Summer are very beautiful - large dense racemes of small yellow/gold flowers up to 25cm in length and occurring in great profusion. In full flower the tree becomes a mass of bright yellow.
It well deserves its reputation as one of Australia's most beautiful medium sized trees and regularly features in the lists prepared by regional botanical gardens in Queensland and New South Wales as a favoured ornamental recommended for easy propagation.Although the natural range of this tree is somewhat limited it grows well in cultivation as far south as Sydney. It prefers full sun, moisture, warmth and good well composted soil and can tolerate light frosts but is not a frost hardy species. Propagation is from seed that is best pre-treated by simple scarification.15 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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