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Banksia nutans v nutans - Nodding Banksia - 5 seeds

Banksia nutans v nutans - Nodding Banksia - 5 seeds

Banksia nutans v nutans, commonly known as the Nodding Banksia is one of the Western Australian Banksias and is found from the Stirling Ranges to Israelite Bay along the southern coast of Western Australia where it grows on sandy loams. 
It is a small bushy ground hugging species growing to perhaps 1m in height and slightly more in width.  It has dense blue/green foliage with tiny linear leaves, smooth, narrow and to 2mm in length and 1mm in width. 
The young flower spikes are cylindrical, maturing to 6 to 8cm in length and up to 5 or 6cm in width in this instance (variety cernuella has smaller flowers).  The flower spikes are cream in colour tinged with pink, maturing to a purplish brown, the main flowering period is Spring to Autumn and is bird attracting and popular with nectar seeking birds
The fruiting cones are normally a little larger than the flower spikes, a distinctive wedge shape in a bright green aging to grey, smooth but wrinkled.
This species is very drought resistant coming from an area with a rainfall of 350 to 500mm and is frost tolerant.  In cultivation it is best suited to sandy soils that are slightly acid in a full sun position and does not do well in areas with high humidity.
Propagation is from seed is straightforward, seed should be sown into a standard seed raising mix and watered as required.  Plant out young seedlings as soon as practical to avoid too much root disturbance.  Plant into well drained soil with an acidic pH of around 6.0 to 6.5. 


Phosphorus fertilisers are toxic to the plant as it can take up even the smallest traces of this element. 
5 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds. 
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