Banksia nobilis syn Dryandra nobilis - Golden Banksia / Kerosene Bush - 5 Seeds
The Golden or Great Banksia is a tall shrub reaching 4m in height in its native habitat with large deep golden to orange flowers, 8 to 19cm across, appear between Winter and Spring and makes a stunning showing in the garden as well as being excellent dried flower subjects. This Dryandra is hardy and very drought tolerant and loves the sun.
Like all Dryandra and Banksia species, it is nectar producing and attractive to pollinating birds and in optimum conditions they are fast-growing and can reach 2m in three years.
Banksias and Dryandras are small to medium shrubs which show a tremendous variation in form and foliage and are one of the most attractive group of foliage plants in the Australian flora. There are about 25 prostrate or dwarf species, and about 20 tall shrubs that consistently reach over 2.5m in height. Leaf form is a particularly attractive feature. Leaves are seldom entire, often prickly toothed, pinnatifid or pinnate, or coarsely segmented and the shape ranges from short linear and medium sized obovate to lanceolate. However, most are linear and usually very long and narrow, setting off the serrations to perfection.
Propagation is from seed which germinates well by conventional sowing methods in an ordinary seed raising mix. Early Spring is probably the best sowing time for areas which experience cold, wet Winters, otherwise in the early autumn. Germination should occur in 21 to 60 days, depending on the species.
Pre-germination of seed by sowing into a closed container containing moist vermiculite or a similar material and storing indoors in a warm shady area is also a useful method of germination, particularly when outdoor temperatures may be unsuitable. Germination usually occurs in 2 - 3 weeks using this method and when the root has reached about a centimetre or so in length, the seedling can be placed into a small pot of seed raising mix
In cultivation all species perform best in well-drained soils and generally resent continually wet soils. They are suitable for shallow soils over a hard claypan. Shallow clay soils can present problems but if garden beds are built up to 300-600mm, greater success is experienced.
Banksias and Dryandras are generally at their best in open, sunny positions although the plants will tolerate some shade with reduced flowering. The prime requirement for these to grow well in cultivation is a freely drained topsoil.
Like most members of the Proteaceae family, Banksia and Dryandras can be adversely affected by fertilisers, particularly any with phosphorus. It is generally recommended that they be fertilised only with low-phosphorous, slow-release fertilisers or not be fertilised at all. Care is easy as they are hardy and will stand a lot of neglect once established and can be pruned to shape where necessary.
5 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of clear funds.