Banksia grandis - Bull Banksia - 5 seeds
Banksia grandis, commonly known as the Bull Banksia is found naturally in the south west corner of Western Australia where it forms an understory in Jarrah and Marri Eucalyptus forests. It can vary in the wild from a shrubby form to 1.5m in height to a small tree normally 5 to 10m in height but occasionally reaching 15m tall. Smaller forms occur in coastal locations.The bark is rough and grey in colour, large leaves are divided into triangular segments and young growth can be bright red and is a very attractive feature. The cylindrical flower heads are produced from early Spring to Summer and are up to 40cm long by 10cm wide and are greenish-yellow aging to bright yellow. The cones, that follow the flowers, are large and dense and are very popular for wood turning.Plants may take many years to mature and flower but in the interim you will be able to admire the attractive foliage!Banksia grandis appreciates well-drained soils in either full sun or dappled shade. Bull Banksia is very sensitive to dieback and is difficult to grow in regions of Summer humidity and this species tolerates light frost.The large Bull Banksia seed pods are keenly sought after by wood turners as they make a fine ornamental timber.5 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.