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Acacia holosericea - Velvet Wattle / Candelabra Wattle / Soap Bush - 30 seeds

Acacia holosericea - Velvet Wattle / Candelabra Wattle / Soap Bush - 30 seeds

Acacia holosericea, commonly known as Velvet Wattle, Soap Bush or Candelabra Wattle is an upright shrub, 3 to 8m in height and 4m in width that is found naturally in northern, tropical parts of Australia from QLD to the NT and northern WA, usually along watercourses and in open forests.
It makes an attractive foliage plant with its large, silvery-grey, velvety phyllodes, which are delightfully soft to caress, almost like puppies ears!  It has bright yellow flower spikes to about 5cm long, all along the branches in Winter, these are followed by bunches of coiled, tangled seed pods. 
This Acacia is highly versatile taking a range of soils and locations from poor degraded and arid  soils and landscapes to waterlogged, swampy locations.
The seed is edible and has been used as a food source for centuries.  Trials have been conducted in Africa by Australian Aid Agencies that have shown that the seeds of Acacia holosericea are a very nutritious and popular food, having a high protein content of 17 - 25%.  The seeds were milled for a flour, roasted, boiled like lentils, or steamed with vegetables and children particularly liked the nutty flavour of the roasted seeds.  The leaves exude an analgesic when soaked which was used in waterholes to stun fish for collection.
Acacia holosericea makes an attractive feature plant, hedging subject or a good and fast growing screen plant.  It is generally adaptable in cultivation and responds well to sunny, reasonably well drained positions in most soil types.  It benefits from regular tip pruning to maintain an attractive rounded shape and although naturally a tropical species it is frost hardy once established.
30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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