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Acacia auriculiformis - Ear Pod Wattle / Earleaf Acacia - 30 seeds

Acacia auriculiformis - Ear Pod Wattle / Earleaf Acacia - 30 seeds


A north Australian native that also occurs in PNG and Indonesia growing naturally as a riparian species along perennial rivers, semi-permanent creeks, savannahs, grasslands and monsoon forest.  Grows as a large tree to 25m tall but usually smaller in cultivation with fissured grey to black fissured bark, often as a gnarled trunk, dense crown of foliage, flowers are yellow and rod shaped occuring in Winter and the seedpods that follow are strongly curled, opening up to reveal the black seeds that have yellow funicles that encircling them.


An interesting tree that is great in large parks and gardens, provides shade, is nitrogen fixing, fast growing, drought tolerant and attracts birds, bees and insects.


30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.

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