Eucalyptus obliqua - Messmate Stringybark - 50 seeds
Myrtaceae species - No shipment to WA or TASThis Australian native Eucalypt grows up to a height of 90m tall or as a Mallee and has a widespread distribution in wet sclerophyll or grassy forest in cold areas of high rainfall on deep fertile soils and coastal areas from Kangaroo Island in SA through to sourthern VIC, TAS, eastern NSW with a few disjunct occurrences in far SE QLD.It has rough bark to the small branches with the bark being stringy of fibrous brown to grey brown, longitudinally furrowed, smooth bark green or grey.The adult leaves are glossy green and lanceolate to falcate, flower buds are grouped in lots of 11 - 15 open up throughout the year to reveal white flowers.Attracts birds, butterflies, is a food source for caterpillars and a koala food plant.50 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.