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Eucalyptus kingsmillii - Kingsmill Mallee - 75 seeds

Eucalyptus kingsmillii - Kingsmill Mallee - 75 seeds


Myrtaceae - no shipment to Western Australia or Tasmania


Eucalyptus kingsmillii is a small Mallee ranging from 3 to 8m in height and 3 to 6m in its spread and its natural territory is around Wiluna in Western Australia.  The light greyish brown bark is usually rough over most of the stems, leaves are a dull, blue green colour. 

The outstanding features of this species are the flower buds - strongly beaked and ribbed in red or a delicate light green and the large creamy to yellow flowers are most attractive.

Generally is found growing in arid, sandy desert areas, it likes sun and a sandy loam type soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.4, it is native to a low rainfall area, lignotuberous and is highly drought resistant.

It makes an excellent ornamental and is nectar producing when in bloom, making it a good honey and bird attracting species.

75 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds. 

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