Eucalyptus botryoides - Southern Mahogany - 150 Seeds
Myrtaceae species - No shipment to WA or TAS
Eucalyptus botryoides, commonly known as the Southern Mahogany or Bangalay, is a graceful Eucalypt from the south coastal New South Wales and eastern Victoria where is occurs on coastal dunes to low subcoastal hills and is a spreading dense, large crowned tree from 20 to 23m in height.It has red-brown fibrous to flaky bark held in elongated thick strips on the trunk and smooth bark ranging from light brown to pink on the ranches, it has strongly discolorous leaves darker green on the upper side, and elongated buds and fruit. Flowers are cream to white and appear in the Summer months.Southern Mahogany produces useful timber and is a southern Koala browse. It is a very fast growing tree that makes an excellent large shade tree, is frost resistant, can take moderately saline and sandy soils as well as poorly drained soils, coastal exposure and is smog tolerant.150 premium quality fresh seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.