Banksia burdettii - Orange Banksia - 5 seeds
The Orange Banksia is one of the many and varied Australian Banksias.
This species has flower heads that are bright orange at the base tending to orange tinged with grey/white hairs on the outside and flower profusely between Summer to Winter and the old flowers are persistent and attractive. Seed for the orange Banksia can be difficult to come by.
It has many similarities to the more common Banksia hookeriana but the foliage is different and the tree generally more attractive. The flowers make excellent long lived cut flowers, and as with most Banksia is attractive to nectar eating and pollinating birds.
Cuttings are also very showy and much sought after for dried flower arrangements and this species is utilised commercially in Australia.
This is a fast-growing shrub to a maximum of 4m tall and it has a limited native range in Western Australia where it grows on deep white or yellow sand with an annual rainfall of 550 - 600mm. It is easily propagated in a sunny position in well-drained soils.
Propagation is from seed which should be sown into a standard seed raising mix and watered as required. Plant young seedlings as soon as practical to avoid too much root disturbance. Plant into well drained soil with an acidic pH of around 6.0 to 6.5. Phosphorous fertilisers are toxic to the plant as it can take up even the smallest traces of this element.
5 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.