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New and fresh seeds in stock now!

Writer's picture: Jazz CarterJazz Carter

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

We've been busy stocking up on seeds and looking into new species that we can offer!

This is just a small list of what we have for sale, we have so many other species available, for more info or to buy our seeds check out our eBay store

Acacia floribunda - Gossamer Wattle

Acacia podalyriifolia - Queensland Silver Wattle

Acacia sophorae - Coastal Wattle

Alocasia brisbanensis - Cunjevoi Lily /Spoon Lily - New Listing!

Amaryllis bellandonna - Mixed Colour Hippeastrum

Banksia baxteri - Bird's Nest Banksia

Banksia coccinea - Scarlet Banksia

Banksia menziesii Dwarf - Dwarf Firewood Banksia

Brunonia australis - Blue Pincushion Flower

Buckinghamia celcissima - Ivory Curl Tree

Cobaea scandens Mixed Colours - New Listing!

Crotalaria cunninghamii - Green Birdflower Delonix regia - Poinciana

Dianella revoluta - Black Anther Flax - New Listing!

Dietes bicolor - Yellow Wild Iris - New Listing!

Dietes grandiflora - Wild Iris

Dracaena draco - Red Dragon Tree

Eucalyptus cladocalyx nana - Dwarf Sugar Gum

Eucalyptus gunnii - Cider Gum

Eucalyptus torquata - Coral Gum

Eucalyptus kruseana x latens - Moon Lagoon

Eucalyptus pachyphylla - Red Bull Mallee

Eucalyptus preissiana - Bell Fruited Mallee

Eucalyptus pulverulenta - Silver Leaf Mountain Gum

Eucalyptus sideroxylon rosea - Red Flowering Ironbark

Festuca glauca - Blue Mountain Grass

Flindersia australis - Crow's Ash / Australian Teak - New Listing!

Flindersia brayleyana - Queensland Maple / Silkwood

Grevillea banksii alba - White Flowering Grevillea

Grevillea banksii forsterii - Red Flowering Grevillea

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda

Lechenaultia biloba - Mirror of Heaven

Kennedia nigricans - Tiger Snake Vine

Kennedia prostrata - Running Postman

Kunzea pomifera - Muntries

Macadamia tetraphylla - Macadamia - New Listing!

Metrosideros excelsa - New Zealand Christmas Tree

Nandina domestica - Sacred Bamboo

Pandorea jasminoides - Bower of Beauty - New Listing!

Passiflora coccinea - Red Flowering Passionfruit

Passiflora herbertiana - Australian Native Passionfruit

Passiflora mollissima - Banana Passionfuit - Already Sold Out!

Passiflora Pandora - Pandora Passionfruit

Passiflora quadrangularis - Giant Granadilla

Plumeria spp - Mixed Colour Frangipani - Already Sold Out!

Pycnosorus globosus - Billy Buttons - New Listing!

Strelitzia nicolai - Giant White Bird of Paradise

Tulbaghia violacea - Society Garlic / Pink Agapanthus - New listing!

Wahlenbergia stricta - Native Bluebell - New Listing!

Xanthorrhoea australis - Southern Grass Tree

Xanthorrhoea glauca - Queensland Blue Grass Tree

Xanthorrhoea macronema - Bottlebrush Grass Tree

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